Relocating Serials to Off-Site Shelving: Processing Instructions

To handle a serial that has never been put into Off-Site Shelving:

Bib record:

Location r should be added to the bib.

Item record:

Location rarch or rmain should be added. Item code 2 and status should remain the same.

Holdings record:

  1. If there are multiple holdings records, select the one that your volume is attached to.
  2. Add a non-MARC field to the holdings record with field tag Note that says:

Volumes before <latest volume in Cooper or a branch> located in Off-Site Shelving. To request, click on “View list of items”, select desired volume, and click “Request from storage.”

To handle a serial that already has volumes in Off-Site Shelving:

Bib record:

  1. Verify the existence of the r bib location.
  2. Make sure that the locations for which we have holdings (meaning there is a holdings record for it) are reflected in the bib locations (there may be more than one).

Item record:

Change location to rmain or  rarch location depending on where the item is coming from. Item code 2 and status will remain the same.

Holdings record:

Edit the note beginning “Volumes before…” to reflect the newest volume in the branch library.