Creating a Portfolio

Sharing a Portfolio to the Network Zone

These steps occur after an OCLC record is loaded or after a cataloger creates a record for the video.

  1. Conduct an All Titles → Title search
    • If record is already opened MD Editor you can go straight to +Add Inventory in section below
  2. Select Edit Record
  3. Choose Record Actions and then Share with Network

Creating a Portfolio

  1. Search Electronic Portfolios for the Title you need
    • If there is already a portfolio in the IZ (if so, there may also be an order attached), then select Edit Portfolio, and Link to a Collection. You can choose the appropriate collection where the title should be added.
    • If there is no portfolio, skip to step 2.
  2. Search All Titles →Title to locate the appropriate record and choose Edit Record (Will wait to see what PASCAL says about 856 40 field, but if added or imported with one follow steps below)
    • Remove any 856 40 or fields that don’t belong to use or any 856 42 image fields
    • Make sure the 856 40 field is $$u and the access URL or the proxy and the access URL
      • Delete any $$z or other coding that could be red or show up in Discovery.
  3. Select Add Portfolio at the top of the record under +Add Inventory
  4. The Portfolio form will appear where you can fill out the information depending on what type of eStreaming resource you have.
    • Descriptive Information
      • Most case you will be using the Creation Type,Use existing titlecheck option, so all your information will be filled out from the record.
    • General Information
      • For Portfolio Type decide if is a Standaloneor Part of an electronic collection. If part of a collection search for the collection.
        • If collection does not come up when you type it into the search box click on the select from list button on the right

        • screenshot of clicking on the select from list button on the right of the screen
        • It will bring up a pop up window to search Electronic Collections. There you can search and select the collection.

        • screenshot of the search Electronic Collections section
        • eResources that are not part of a collection and are owned by the library might go into the collections below
        • Collections Ids Material Type
          Streaming Videos @ Clemson University Libraries Collection ID: 61176887070005612 MMS ID: 991014512372305612 eVideos
          eBook collection @ Clemson University Libraries: getFullTxt Collection ID: 61215194130005612 MMS ID: 991014512372405612 eBooks
          eJournal collection @ Clemson University Collection ID: 61244364640005612 MMS ID: 991014648672405612 eJournals
          Single Journals Collection ID: 61130457030005612 MMS ID: 991014028187605612 eJournals
      • Availability Dates
        • If we only have the streaming service licensed for a certain amount of time, under the General tab in the Available from date and Available until date fields, fill in how long we have access, but if we bought it, leave it blank, or you can put in the date access begins if you have the information.
          a screenshot showing how to choose availability dates
      • Coverage Information
        • At the moment Alma has not set up any fields that make the Availability Dates visible in Primo, so for eBooks and eVideos the Coverage tab fields are used
          • This is actually for putting coverage dates on serials, but for now it is being used t a. o show and record licensing dates clearly.
          • This will not be usable for eSerials
            a screenshot showing where to input the date information under the coverage information section
      • Inventory and Linking information
        • Place access URL in the URL text box, this information will either be on the invoice, sent to you, or in the records 856 40 field Do not put the proxy in this field
        • Next at Proxy enabled check yes then by Proxy selected choose Default (currently:Proxy)
        • Make sure Availability status is checked as active
        • If we only have a license for access for a certain amount of time put the dates in the Available from date and Available until date boxes
        • By Electronic material type choose the electronic type the resource is
          screenshot showing where to enter the inventory and linking information
      • Go back to the top and click the button Save and Done in the Corner
  5. Like other records in Alma you go to Record Actions at the top and choose to Share with Network then save and release record
  6. Go back and search the record to check if it is done correctly
    • Click the drop down for Electronic to see the portfolio ,then go to the ellipses in the top right corner and click Display in Discovery
      a screenshot of how a record looks when you click Display in Discovery
    • Make sure the record will appear correctly in Primo and that the link from the portfolio works.
      screen shot of how a record should appear in Primo with the links to review highlighted

Create a Portfolio First

  1. Resources > Create Inventory > Add Local Portfolio
  2. At Creation Type you can choose Create new title or Use existing title screenshot of the description information section when creating a portfolio for the first time

Creating a Portfolio (PDF)

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