NOTE: Patrons are entitled to a refund if the item is found/returned within 6 months of the original due date. If a bill (90 days old) is sent to collections and patron returns the item (within the 6 month window), the bill is waived and the patron is fined the overdue amount plus collection fee.
Per the Circulation Policy: “Patrons receive 4 overdue notices. All patrons with materials which are forty-five days overdue receive a final bill for the replacement cost plus a processing fee and any accrued fines. In cases where a patron offers to replace the item directly, he/she must purchase an item of the same edition or later. He/she must also pay any extra fees associated with the item (such as a binding fee if a paperback is substituted for a hard-bound) plus the processing fee. Popular reading audio-books are treated as exceptions and cannot be replaced by the patron. Borrowing privileges are blocked until the debt is satisfied. The Libraries’ reserve the right to order a similar piece in the subject area as a replacement. If returned within six months, all fees (except overdue fines) will be refunded. After six months, no refunds are issued. When a replacement is not available, the average cost will be used for that subject area or call number.”
Clemson Student
Student bills are sent to the Bursar’s Office according to their schedule (typically twice a year). If the overdue material is returned within the 6 month window, then the replacement charges are dropped and the student owes the overdue fine. If the materials are returned after the 6 month window, the charges are not waived. When the report is rec’d from Student Receivables showing that the student has paid, the item is checked in, list sent to the Head of Reference and Cataloging (for withdrawal). (NOTE- It is possible that the subject librarian may have already reviewed the item and made a replacement decision – per a report which is generated by the LTA in Reference.)
Clemson Employees:
Employees with outstanding bills are contacted by every possible means to return or renew materials. If the employees do not respond and the materials are reaching the 6 month window, the list will be submitted to the Circulation & Facilities Manager. No items will be withdrawn until the status is known (employee does or does not have; claims returned, etc.). Terminated or retired employees with outstanding bills (90 days old) are sent to the collections agency. Items paid through the collections agency are checked in, sent to REF and withdrawn. If a bill (90 days old) is sent to collections and patron returns the item (within the 6 month window), the bill is waived and the patron is fined the overdue amount plus collection fee. (NOTE- It is possible that the subject librarian may have already reviewed the item and made a replacement decision – per a report which is generated by the LTA in Reference.)
Community (includes alum, etc.)
Community with bills (90 days old) are sent to the collections agency. If a bill (90 days old) is sent to collections and patron returns the item (within the 6 month window), the bill is waived and the patron is fined the overdue amount plus collection fee. Items paid through the collections agency are checked in, sent to REF and withdrawn. (NOTE- It is possible that the subject librarian may have already reviewed the item and made a replacement decision – per a report which is generated by the LTA in Reference.)