Processing PASCAL Lending Requests (Outgoing)

Processing PASCAL Lending requests (Outgoing)

  1. Click on INN-Reach located on the side bar menu of the Circulation Desk screen in Millennium
  2. Click on Check-Out located on the side bar menu of the INN-Reach – Check-Out to Remote Site screen
  3. Scan the items barcode into the Key or Scan Item Barcode field
  4. Click OK in the pop up Message box
  5. Place a PASCAL lending label on the (lower center) front of the book & place on the ready to ship shelf


(1.) Click on INN-Reach located on the side bar menu of the Circulation Desk screen in Millennium



(2.) Click on Check-Out located on the side bar menu of the INN-Reach – Check-Out to Remote Site screen



(3.) Scan the items barcode into the Key or Scan Item Barcode field



(4.) Click OK in the pop up Message box



(5.) Place a PASCAL lending label on the (lower center) front of the book & place on the ready to ship shelf